nihat wrote: hi can anyone tell me that once you are in a wrag group and have completed the 6 interviews is that it will they leave you alone? and how long will it be to you are reassest?and will this effect dla thankyou 
Unless one agrees to take up on any options given, that should be it once six wfi's are completed.
However, when one is reviewed (which depends on how long the Atos Medical Report and the decision maker decided upon) if one is placed into the WRAG again, it would seem the system is started all over again including the WFI's.
As the government have indicated that ESA claimants will be reviewed more often than under the previous IB/IS regime (which could mean being reviewed annually or even less) one may expect to attend WFI's quite often if placed into the WRAG.
This should have no effect on DLA as that is an 'in work' benefit, however the DWP may use any medical reports from one benefit to help decide entitlement to another.