Hi T,
I know that you have received your ESA50 through the post, however you may find it easier to download and save the interactive ESA50 from this link. :
www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/...lasset/dg_195544.pdf If you save it to your P.C. you can fill it in, edit and save as you need to.
When you have finished, you can print off the saved version, and post it back to ATOS, at the address they have given you, by the deadline given.
The interactive version, is accepted by ATOS, many members find it a lot easier to use, as if you want to erase, or add, it is a lot easier than scrubbing out.
Once the final version is printed off and posted, you are left with a ready made exact copy on your P.C., which you can also back-up, or print off and keep hard copy.