Hello, I just want to warn everyone who is switching from Incapacity to ESA to check the amounts they are getting paid very carefully.
When my ESA got paid into my account I noticed that it was less than the rate than the incapacity benefit I had been on - even though every document says you will not lose out financially by switching.
I queried this immediately and told it was due to something to do with my 'housing costs' and that my housing costs had gone up.
I checked my housing costs (which had not gone up) and found the last letter from the incapacity benefit office telling me how much I was getting and phone back the ESA people.
It took about four phone calls but they have admitted they have made a mistake and something went wrong on the computer and they will be restoring my incapacity benefit rate. In every phone call I emphasised that every document says my money will not change on ESA.
This has taken about 2 weeks to resolve, mainly because of my ill health but I am thankful that it has now been resolved.
But watch your money. I would have been £15 a month down if I hadn't spotted this.