This may have been asked before, but within the esa50 questionnaire can you not request that the dwp resepcetfully contact the health care professionals treating you for your disbailites to gain further evdience? Would they do it if you actually write a request for them to do this and if they do not would this be a reason to appeal if you do not get the right outcome? Bit confused on this.
There is no reason why any claimant should not ask the DWP to contact healthcare professionals. But if you are an existing ESA claimant or being transferred from IB to ESA, the burden of proof lies with the DWP and so the onus is on them to gather information. See the post below.
Trouble is the dwp in most cases do not contact the health care professionals do they? I will do my best to submit what evdience i can provide and ask them to contact the hcp dealing with me, and if they don't and i have asked then maybe that should be one issue for appeal. Thanks for your response Derek much appreciated