Crusoe wrote: I sent my ESA form off a couple of weeks ago with a letter from my doctor but the letter from my specialist arrived to late to send with my form, could someone please let me know where to send this late letter off too as I do not have the original address.
I did try a search first but I could not find the answer.
Many Thanks, Crusoe
Sorry but on the information given, it is impossible to say.
What exact stage is your claim at? Which part of the country do you reside in? may help to narrow down where you should send the information, particularly if members reside in the same town/city as yourself.
However you maybe better ringing JobCentre Plus to clarify.
It could be wise in anycase to send extra medical evidence both to ATOS Medical Services and the DWP Decision Maker.
Your case highlights one of the reasons we advise members to keep copies of everything sent in, where they were sent and when.