I am so confused. I am a wheelchair user and classed as severely disabled. I suffer with osteoarthritis in my hips and hands coupled with rheumatoid arthritis in my wrists and elbows.
I have recently been placed in the WRAG group and qualify for ESA. However I received a letter today stating that I should now apply for pension credit as my IB will be stopping in a few weeks. I duly phoned the pension service and registered, my pension credit starts on the 6 Jan 2012 so all other benefits will stop. This means of course I will only get ESA for about 7 weeks. The confusing bit is: Will I be expected to seek work and attend the interviews designed by WRAG?
Dare I ask but are employers really expected to employ a 61 year old cripple with special needs when there are over 2 million fit people unemployed?
It is possible that you will be invited to attend a WFI, however, if this occurs I would suggest you contact the JC+ advisor, named on the covering letter, and explain your situation. I would expect this to be sufficient to have the meeting deferred until after your ESA claim ends.
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