Jane wrote: Hi, can anyone tell me please if this is the correct procedure for appealing a decision on the outcome of the ESA50. Our GP said they needed to complete a form(ESA113). I returned the GL24, within one month of the date of the letter, because I wanted to ensure it met the deadline, but before the ESA113 had been completed. Should I still arrange for the GP to complete this form, even though I have already submitted the appeal, or should I wait for the result of the appeal? Also, can I send further evidence, within four weeks of the appeal, or have I got this wrong?
Many thanks
Hi J,
The ESA113 is usually filled in by a G.P. at the request of DWP/ATOS, if they require extra evidence, it generally has to be filled in and returned by the G.P. within 5 days.
So am I right in thinking that the DWP have sent this ESA113 in connection with your appeal request?
Further, on appealing you will receive a reconsideration automatically by a different DM.
It would be advisable to send any other evidence that you have ASAP so that it may be taken into account in your reconsideration process.