I`ve been in receipt of Ib since OCT 08,and was told I did not need to get further med certs,It was my gp who prompted me to claim DLA as i told her of a recent experience of being bed ridden for 6 months whilst awaiting a new drug(lefludomide)to get back on my feet....I was awarded middle rate care and higher rate mobility......
I was given DlA until march 2012...... I`d say it may be more common than we think,IB illnesses can very easily lend themselves to care and mobility issues.
Hi there IB and ESA are out of work benefits because you are too ill to work. DLA is an allowance to support your care or mobility needs depending on what disables you, it can be claimed whilst working or whether off work sick. So if you have a permanent disability then by all means get it claimed for as it will be there even if you are in and out of work. Regards Peter