tazman wrote: Sorry to bother the mods and I have checked the FAQ section. I am really struggling with filling in my ESA50 renewal form by hand. I would like to do the electronic version and print that off. I am worried that showing I can I am able to use a PC will go against me. But it is easier to do a little at a time, alter and revise. I struggle to type more than a little at a time but it seems better than covering the form with tippex.
Hi TM,
With respect to which ever format of ESA50 that you choose to use.
If you have problems doing this, make sure you go into detail on the ESA50 regarding the problems that you suffer, e.g. the length of time it took you, how many times you had to stop and save, etc, etc.
You could also ask someone else to fill it in for you, if this is an option available to you. You could then state on the ESA50 that someone else has filled it in on your behalf, giving reasons.