taratara wrote: just a question regarding work if my husband worked 16 hours a week earning 100.00 week me on mobility high rate low care two children at home over 20 one works 6 hours a dat other is on maturnity pay no other income or savings what help would we get eg income rent council tax rang wefare rights they said rent council tax paid but no other income is that ok thanks
Unfortunately due to the complexity of means tested benefits such as Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefits etc it is not possible for us to deal with them on the B&W forum.
However a reasonably good guide to assessing potential Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit can be found on the 'Turn to us' calculator (formerly called 'entitled to') here:
www.turn2us.org.uk/benefits_search.aspx However do bear in mind any results are only a guide and only your local authority can confirm what amounts of Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit you maybe entitled to, or the DWP for other means tested benefits.