In in my friends case it wasn't much money and he paid all the overpayments back out of his savings. He managed to convince the officer that it was a genuine mistake as he hadn't realized the new extra benefit was counted as income (Carers Allowance for his wife) and thought the different departments liazed with each other. He was accused of fraud and interveiwed under caution and told he might go to prison. Very scary for a ME/CFS sufferer who is so zonked out he doesn't know what day it is and wasn't allowed to have his carer with him in the interview room.
There was a case reported here some time ago where someone failed to report a change of circumstances and they were being charged with about 3 times the actual overpayment figure. Fortunately a solicitor pointed out the exagerated figure and it also turned out the change of circumstances meant they should have had an increase in benefit. Instead of going to prison for fraud they left with a backpayment!