oldgit wrote: ok folks i got a downloaded esa50 form from b+work as i knew i was due a review and have had help filling it in,my form esa50 from the dwp arrived
last week and as i was staying with my daughter i got a call to say it had arrived but my sister who checked the mail says its nothing like the form from b+work and has pink bits? the pages are smaller but there's more of them? has anyone got any upto date knowledge of this as i can't find any mention on b+work.
Hi OG,
The normal format ESA50 form that is received through the post, is smaller, etc, etc, and has "pink bits" on it
The main thing to check is that it has ESA50 03/11, at the bottom of the front page. It should consist of 20 pages.
If so, then this is the same version as the Pdf ESA50 03/11.