medicinehat wrote: Just wondering how they decide you should be assessed, atos, job centre, where does it begin?
Hi MH,
The DWP will inform (refer you to) ATOS, who are contracted to carry out all medical services, that a claimant requires a medical assessment, in connection with an ESA claim or migration, and forward the claimants file to ATOS.
ATOS then send out the ESA50 to the claimant, and carry out a medical assessment, whether as a paper exercise (Restricted medical, paper scrutiny)or a face to face, once the ESA50 is returned.
An ESA113 may also be sent to the claimant's G.P. at this stage.
They then make recommendations in the form of a medical report, paying regard to the ESA50, the ESA113, the assessment itself, and any other medical evidence provided.
The file including the recommendations is then returned to the DWP DM, (Who is not medically qualified), the DM will then make a decision, taking into account all evidence before him, on whether the claimant qualifies for an award of ESA under the ESA regulations and legislation.
It is the DWP DM, who then informs the claimant of his decision regarding an award of ESA.
That's the way it's supposed to happen anyway.