stephano wrote: In English, that's easily undertood by
people with mental health issues!!
Allow me to expand then
(a) as I said is unclear to me.
(b) means satisfying the Basic entitlement conditions for ESA which are according to Ch 41 of the Decision Makers Guide are:-
Basic conditions
Claimants are entitled to ESA1 if they
1. have LCW (see DMG Chapter 42) and
2. are aged 16 or over and
3. have not reached pensionable age (see DMG 41014) and
4. are in GB (except for certain temporary absences abroad) (see DMG Chapter 07 Part 2) and
5. are not entitled to IS and
6. are not
6.1 entitled to JSA or
6.2 a member of a couple entitled to joint-claim JSA.
(c) means if one of the ESA Support Group descriptors applies to your case.