Please can anyone tell me, is there a way to find out how many complaints have been made against a specific HCP, because I am in the middle of a complaint against one, ATOS, as all ready admitted a standards mistake in the descriptor that was used to describe how I mobilise. It was not medically reasonable or appropriately justified and they have apologised, but there is still a lot more things that were not correct on the ESA85. So I will keep going until it is put right.
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Hi B,
I have edited your post to lower case, as block capitals cause problems to members with screen readers.
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by bro58. Reason: Changed to lower case
Please can anyone tell me, is there a way to find out how many complaints have been made against a specific HCP, because I am in the middle of a complaint against one, ATOS, as all ready admitted a standards mistake in the descriptor that was used to describe how I mobilise. It was not medically reasonable or appropriately justified and they have apologised, but there is still a lot more things that were not correct on the ESA85. So I will keep going until it is put right.
Mod Edit :
Hi B,
I have edited your post to lower case, as block capitals cause problems to members with screen readers.
Hi B,
You may be able to gain such information from the GMC, if the ATOS HCP was a Doctor, see :