I've been on IB for 25yrs so have not paid any National Insurance since I stopped working. Do people who have not paid NI qualify for any benefits if they are placed in the WRAG if they have savings of over £10,000.
I have been told by a friend that I'll only receive benefit if I get in the Support Goup as it has been promised that those people won't financially lose out by the move from IB to Support but that isn't the case for IB to WRAG.
If you are transferred from IB to ESA you would automatically be placed on contribution-based ESA. So if you are placed in the WRAG you will qualify for CB-ESA for a year at least. Your friend may have been referring to the one year time-limit if you are not in the support group.
It's only claimants on IS due to sickness that will be transferred to income-based ESA and be means-tested.