lochlisa wrote: I have been told that now I have been placed in Support Group (ESA) I am entitled to the Enhanced Disability Premium.
Different publication contradict this statement as I am only on LRC & LRM where DLA is concerned but one publication states that being in the Support Group and a single person qualifies you for the EDP.
Does anyone have any knowledge of where I can check this please and were qualifying details different in 2010/2011 than they are now?
thank you,
Hi LL,
Please see Page 5, Heading,
Support Group of our :
"Understanding Employment and Support Allowance" Guide
Accessible from the link below :
ESA Guides This explains about the Enhanced Disability Premium.
Please see below, the current benefit rates of ESA SG, and EDP, and the new rates from April 2012. :
April 2012 Benefit Rates Scroll down to the relevant sections.
Hopes this helps.