hi i have received the esa50;) for my son. we took him for his annual health assessment this morning and we have given the doctor a sheet of paper with a typical day in the life off my son.we also gave the doctor a letter from his mental health team and his support worker went along also.his illness is schizophrenia which he has had for 15 years the doctor has agreed that he cannot work and also issued a fit note saying he can,t work. my question is should i send the unfit for work note with his esa forms he has been exempt from the capebility test in the past.do you think they will still send him for a medical. many thanks
Hi Denise, you son does not need a fit note at this stage. I'm afraid I don't know whether it would help in any way.
It is impossible to say whether he will be called for a medical, many people are but not everyone. The previous exemption does not apply to the WCA for ESA.
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