Gordon wrote: Doris
It all depends whether it would be reasonable to assume your condition has remained the same.
If you have a disability or illness that will not improve, then this would be reasonable, however, if there is the possibility that it could improve, then you need to show that it has not.
Many thanks Gordon. I will try and explain my disabilitys in detail on the ESA50 and hope the DM or ATOS will see the issues laid out in the letters from my GP, plus reports from consultants of previous years. I have an appointment booked for my GP, but it will be four weeks minimum (more like 5 or 6) before I will have any letter.
As the form as to be returned in three weeks, the best I have is the letter of 2011. My other concern is the letter address's my DLA application by name (i.e With respect to this persons DLA application). Although the letter is a general state of health letter outlining the problems I have.