Apologies if this should be in my previous thread.
I finally received my ESA Support Group award notice today from the DWP. It confirms I won my appeal so entitled to full ESA and component payment inc DIG etc.Also entitled to support group arrears from 31/8/11 to 10/4/12. 31st August being my last IB payment with small premium.
Yet no mention in the award letter listing the length of award/future review date for being assessed again by medical. Nor any documents allied to increased points after appeal, scoresheet or statement of reasons etc. Am I legally entitled to receive all this information in written format from the DWP ?
I would not expect the 'prognosis' (time til next assessment) to be on your award letter. As you say, this should be on your Statement of Reasons.
However, members do seem to have problems getting their paperwork at the moment (even after a subject Access Request) - see my own thread on this matter