Hi all
My ESA(CB) stopped on 30th April under the 1 year rule. I've also had a review and medical, and expect to be found fit for work, though have had no decision letter as yet.
Today I received a letter from the DWP saying they had made an appointment to see me at my home, on 13/6 in the am, reason for visit 'we are coming to visit you regarding the recent changes to ESA Legislation and how it effects[sic] you'.
I rang, explained I knew how it affected me (if I am found ffw I won't sign on for JSA as can't work f/t, and have too much capital for IS if I'm not found ffw), and they cancelled the appointment.
I found this rather disconcerting, and passed on the feedback that many people would be worried to suddenly receive such a letter, although I do believe it to be well intentioned.
Just a heads up that this might happen, and wondered if anyone else had got one?
all the best