Has anyone else on Income Related ESA noticed their bank statement payment description changing from "National Insurance Number DWP EESA" to "National Insurance Number DWP JSA"? Haven't had any recent paperwork, wife is in ESA Support Group, I'm her fulltime carer and can't think of any reason for this. Amount hasn't changed, just the description.
Neither one of us have made any JSA claims nor are we in any appeal process. Clerical error maybe?
Has anyone else on Income Related ESA noticed their bank statement payment description changing from "National Insurance Number DWP EESA" to "National Insurance Number DWP JSA"? Haven't had any recent paperwork, wife is in ESA Support Group, I'm her fulltime carer and can't think of any reason for this. Amount hasn't changed, just the description.
Neither one of us have made any JSA claims nor are we in any appeal process. Clerical error maybe?
Thanks, Snow
We are not aware of any such changes to the system. Perhaps other members could advice if they have noticed the same thing occurring.