Me and my friend are going through all this, and the dept said we phoned them just in time, my freind went through this last year and someone phoned on thiei behalf, i put in a letter with my questionnaire, but its personal perferennce for you really. lots of luck with it. x
If my memory serves me correct, they will try to ring you within two weeks fo you recieving the letter. notifying you of the transfer process begining. They call you and basically read from a script, but do ask if you have any questions, they then inform you to epect the arrival of either an ESA50 or an ESA50A (If they have already identified you as having LCW). They ususally attempt to call you three times if they can't get to speak to you, they just send the form as usual. You don't have to take the call if you don't want to. However if the form dosen't arrive within to weeks of recieving a call from your local BDC or an attempted call, you would be advised to cantact them as they only allow four weeks for the form to be completed and returned to them.