I have been put into WRAG on renewal without medical. Will be appealing again, I was put into support group last summer after appealing the wrag, luckily for me I got phone call the morning of the appeal from the court telling me I had won and did not need to go, all thanks to this wonderful site and the helpful and wonderful MODs, as without this site and the comfort and helpful advice I would not have had the confidence or knowledge to appeal the fist time around. A big heartfelt thank you to B&W and all that help in running this site.
May I ask the MODs will the fact that I did not have a medical make any difference with appealing this time and will they now call me in for a medical.
Even though you did not have a medical, a medical report was produced by ATOS from the contents of your ESA50 and any information supplied with it. On this basis, it would be quite unlikely that a medical would be required, although the Tribunal panel do have the authority to order one.
You can request the ESA85A and other documents, see