Hi I am a bit confused as to what will happen to my Employement and Support Allowance Money after 365 days (CB)I am at the moment getting the same rate as i was in May 2012 before they changed me over from ib to support allowance, When i was on iB it was automaticaly paid for the last 13 years into my bank account, with Christmas bonus and any benefit rate rise, what will happen now?? if your in support group does this still apply? Regards
The time limit applies to claimants reciving ESA(CB) in the WRAG, so if you are currently in the Support Group it will not apply.
After the 365 days, your ESA(CB) will cease, if you are eligible for ESA(IR) then your claim should be transferred, although you will have to provide additional information.
If you are not eligible for ESA(IR) you will continue to receive NI Credits towards a full State Pension