Hi just thought you might like to hear my current position. I was moved from IB to ESA WRAG(without a medical)in June 2011, with physical and mental health issues,because of my anxiety could not face making an appeal. During the last 12 months the Jobcentre Plus have failed to keep to their word (eg have not called me to WFI or given me 8 weeks notice of my benefit stopping after 365 days).Although i was not keen to have WFI, as i know i could not work i made a complaint to my MP about my money stopping before i was retested.I also contacted a welfare charity(Good Advice Matters)who took up my case. Following a letter from my MP to Jobcentre and a letter from charity asking for a late appeal on the grounds of Maladministration i have received a call from a director for southern england Jobcentre Plus apologising and telling me that my late appeal has been accepted and my case is referred back to DM for reconsideration. I trust this gives everyone hope if you feel you have been badly treated. I will let you know the outcome.