I keep a huge file on the last 20 years worth of paperwork. I had already copyied my IB to ESA 50 form details onto a USB stick,and made 3 copys of ALL supporting evidence refering to this particlar process for further reference.
I keep a huge file on the last 20 years worth of paperwork. I had already copyied my IB to ESA 50 form details onto a USB stick,and made 3 copys of ALL supporting evidence refering to this particlar process for further reference.
Hope I did right.
Yes N,
This is the advantage of using the PDF ESA50, you are left with a copy which you can backup, further when it is time to be re-assessed, there is nothing to stop you simply updating this saved PDF ESA50, and using it again.
As long as they do not change the format of the current ESA50 03/11 of course in the meantime.
Hello Dandys9 I having the exact same problem! ESA50 was sent by special delivery but when I check the Royal Mail track and trace website it states (it is being progressed through our network for delivery) called Royal Mail and they said it's been delayed other than than not other information is avilable!
Can you tell me how you managed to resolve this? I am really worried Any help woud be most appreciated, Many thanks in advance.