Sorry if I appear a bit dim, or if I am missing info elsewhere on the site, but I am cognitively challenged by my medication. Is it normally the procedure for DWP to stop paying benefit whilst an appeal is pending or when they have said they will reconsider their decision? They haven't made the expected bank payment of benefit to me this week. Are they trying to starve me into submission?
Sorry if I appear a bit dim, or if I am missing info elsewhere on the site, but I am cognitively challenged by my medication. Is it normally the procedure for DWP to stop paying benefit whilst an appeal is pending or when they have said they will reconsider their decision? They haven't made the expected bank payment of benefit to me this week. Are they trying to starve me into submission?
As you are appealing to be placed in the Support Group from the WRAG your payments should continue without change.
Benefits are paid based on a claimants National Insurance Number, but usually a day in advance of the required day, so that if there is a delay in processing, the DWP can still pay on the required day. If that makes sense see