My Husband has been moved up
- Helmdonlsa
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- bro58
After receiving a letter dated 31/8/2012 saying that the appeal already at the tribunal had been cancelled due to the fact that the ESA had revised their decision to a more favourable one for my husband, I spoke to our Welfare Rights advisor. He suggested ringing ESA as the letter did not explain anything. After a tense phone call where we were given, yet again, the wrong information it would appear that the ESA have suddenly decided to move my husband up to the support group. No explination given as to why they changed their minds!!!! But we are happy they have. We are currently awaiting a phone call to confirm that they have back-dated their decision to the 29/12/2011. Which will be a bonus as we have been without ESA money since 30/4/2012. We have had to cope on my low wage, (which is always just that little bit too much to claim any other benefits) We will believe it when the money arrives in our account.
Hi H,
That sounds encouraging.

You do have a legal right to receive written notification of your husband's ESA award, and I would be inclined to insist on this.
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- Helmdonlsa
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Thank you for that. I will be asking questions when the ESA ring tonight.

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- Helmdonlsa
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Joke of the month was the tax bill my husband received for the exact same amount of back payments. After enquires were made it turned out the ESA had put his payments through to the tax office twice making it look like he had been paid over £11,000 for the last two tax years.
Now for the battle of PIP, which will be due soon no doubt.
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- bro58
An update on this we have finally had it confirmed that my Husband has been moved up to the Support group with back payments from 23rd December 2011. Excellent result. We also found out that he will not be pestered to have another medical for 3 years but he officially retires the end of next year so that medical should not happen. The ESA still refuse to give us the reason's why they suddenly back tracked but who cares we got the result we needed as we were really struggling to make ends meet on just my meager wage. We only qualified for council tax benefits while we were with out the ESA payments. But we now have to pay that back.
Joke of the month was the tax bill my husband received for the exact same amount of back payments. After enquires were made it turned out the ESA had put his payments through to the tax office twice making it look like he had been paid over £11,000 for the last two tax years.
Now for the battle of PIP, which will be due soon no doubt.
Hi H,
It is good to hear that you have received confirmation that your husband has been placed into the SG, and for 3 years as well, which is the maximum "prognosis" that we are aware of.

Thanks for letting us know.

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- Helmdonlsa
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The tribunal made the decision more medical evidence was needed. Our Doctor confirmed they had been in touch so we must assume that what ever our Doctor wrote was good enough to force their hand into back tracking.
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