kirsty3 wrote: How is it possible to convince an Atos Dr of your need to be in the ESA support group...when it appears everyone is fit for
Hi k3,
A lot of people get confused in that they assume that it is their medical conditions that will give them an award of ESA WRAG or SG, unfortunately in the majority of cases, (Except for conditions covered under "Exceptional Circumstances) this is not the case.
The best way to try and convince them, is to tie in the limitations that you suffer as a result of your medical conditions to the actual ESA SG or WRAG decsriptors, this is where our guides come into their own.
See :
Qualifying for the Support Group &
Qualifying for the WRAG &
ESA Guides Also if you have to attend an ATOS face to face assessment, the ATOS HCP will make observations, and assumptions on your "capabilities" even as to how you managed the return journey to and from the assessment.
This is covered if you follow instructions from :
ESA Medical – What to expect You may find The WCA Handbook useful, which is also on the :
ESA Guides page.
This gives guidance to ATOS HCP's on how to carry out an assessment.
Of course, unfortunately, you could use all the above only to find that you have received the wrong assessment.
It can also help in gaining an accurate and fair face to face assessment if you request that it is recorded, see : It may be the case that you are not required to attend a face to face assessment, it is always better to prepare for as many scenarios as possible.