Hi, I am very worried. I just sent in an ESA50. I supplied as much medical evidence as possible including 2 "to whom it may concern letters from my rheumatologist and a medical report from a Private GP. I have found from Atos that they have received it and have written to my nhs g.p for further information. My worry is that I moved to this area 15 months ago and my g.p knows very little about me. I have such a good understanding with the nhs rheumatologist that if I get a flare up of symptoms I can ring up his secretary and be seen at short notice. I tend not to go to the nhs gp and when I first became ill with osteoarthritis and disc degeneration I had to rely on a private g.p for support which was not forthcoming from the NHS.
Should I go to the nhs gp and explain all this...as they barely know me.