darcy wrote: i have had two tribunal appointments the last adjourning it, so that I could have a medical with female doctor from ATOS. They say that they have no female doctors in my area, so have made appointment with male doctor coming to my home on a Saturday..Surely if tribunal says I must have female doctor, then can ATOS just ignore it and send male doctor?
I can understand how difficult this must be for you, but I can only repeat what has been said in reply to your previous post, you are entitled to be examined by a female doctor, whether ordered by the Tribunal or not.
You need to contact ATOS, if you don't have a number for your local office try 0113 230 9175. Explain that you will not let a male doctor examine you and as your right and as required by the Tribunal, you require a female doctor be made be available.
It is important for you to remember that this is not your problem, so if ATOS still refuse, you should report the situation back to the Tribunal Service (there should be a contact number on any of the letters you have had regarding your hearing, it probably won't hurt if you mention to ATOS that you will be doing this.