summertrain wrote: Reading about exemptions from WFIs if you've reached the upper age limit. In the FAQs it states this is the pensionable age, but my reaction was that you wouldn't be on ESA if you were of pensionable age; you'd either be on State Pension or Pension Credit. Could you please elaborate?
I think you have missed the point of the Upper Age limit for a man, is based on the State Pension date of a woman born on the same date.
A woman born on 04/10/50 would have retired on 06/03/11 however a man born on the same day will not reach State Pension age until 04/10/2015.
So whilst a woman would now be retired, the man would still be eligible for ESA and potentially WFIs were it not for the Upper Age Limit.
The situation with regard to Pension Credits is not always clear, and it cannot be assumed that someone receiving ESA will be able to simply switch to PCs.