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Work Focused interview? in Support group & carer

12 years 4 months ago #93145 by louise
Please can you someone help?
My partner has a lot of mental health problems as well as other issues.
I care for her everyday as she needs care, She is in the ESA support group.
She also claims DLA Middle rate care.
I've just the other day applied for carers allowance, i've never done it before because i didn't think i needed too, as the claim is in my partners name.

This is all very confusing to me, they want me to have a work focused interview, yet my partner is in the support group? so if i didn't take part how could they sanction me or her? as we don't get a work related component?

Do i actually need to do this interview, as i'm a full time carer and cannot commit to something i simply cannot keep too.
Please get back to me.

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12 years 4 months ago #93146 by Gordon

The following is an extract from the Decision Makers Guide

53016 Partners of claimants receiving ESA are required to take part in a WfI as a condition of the claimant continuing to receive the full rate of benefit (see DMG 05520). However a partner who is undertaking significant long term caring responsibilities that make the prospect of work, paid or unpaid, unlikely at the present time may have their WfI deferred.

As you can see there is no distinction regarding the group that the claimant is in.

As you have only just applied for Carers Allowance it is unlikely that you are flagged as a Carer on the DWP system.

You could try contacting the JC+ advsisor with whom the appointment is booked to see whether they are prepared to defer the appointment, or carry it out over the phone, but failing this you are required to attend.


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12 years 4 months ago #93151 by louise
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for the reply back.
So if i refuse to take part in this interview, my partners ESA support Group component will stop or be deducted?
I thought they were only able to sanction the work related group component only & nothing else.

I've phoned the job centre on friday and today asking to speak to the person whos doing my interview & cancel.
All the assistants working there, keep saying we have left her messages to phone you back friday, today, now phoned again and that particular person went home at 2pm.

Esa should know i'm her carer, as we went for a medical earlier this year, she is in the support group and middle rate care DLA, so they know someone needs to look after her, otherwise she wouldn't be in the support group in the first place.

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12 years 4 months ago #93168 by slugsta
louise wrote:


Esa should know i'm her carer, as we went for a medical earlier this year, she is in the support group and middle rate care DLA, so they know someone needs to look after her, otherwise she wouldn't be in the support group in the first place.

Not everyone in the Support Group has a formal carer (I don't, for instance)and it is unlikely that the information would be entered on the computer, in such a way that it would be picked up when arranging WFI's, unless the carer is receiving CA.

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