As well as trying to appeal against my partners dla decision, we have also just received notification that he has been placed in the WRAG group which we also intend to appeal against.
I have read through the pdf about esa appeals and am going to write to the dwp stating that we wish to appeal using the information provided in the pdf. However because we have not received notification why my partner has been placed in the WRAG group I am struggling to know what to write in the letter.
How should I approach this or should I wait for the medical information to arrive before I start writing the appeal?
Hi Busterbilly As mods have mentioned before it is best to get the appeal in within the month deadline. As I understand you do not have to go into great detail, just state that you do not agree with the decision and wish to appeal and that you will contact them with your resaons and any other new info(if you have any) as soon as possible, and that you are waiting for copies of reports from DWP. Best of luck, I am currently waiting for tribunal hearing. CM