Hiya, Thanks for the reply. I would send the full report in along with the ESA form and not an abstract as I have shown above. The full report is very full and was constructed to keep costs down and to cover my ESA & DLA to PIP & for my works to be done on my house with the county council via a Disability Grant.
I was hoping that rather then sending in loads of reports from MRI Scans etc,Consultants/ Physios/OT's/CPN/GP & lots on daily logs & my husband the carers' reports,( lots of pages), that this one from the OT which is really full would fit the bill & then just the GP 113 form if ATOS bother to get one. (last time they said on the form back they had an 'over the phone 113'- lies,lies). or should we go the whole hog and send in the lot when the time comes.