wonder_ wrote: hello all if DLA And ESA income based are paid in to the same account and you keep the money in the same account whilst using the funds does a savings limit apply if so how much and what does it affect ?
The standard rules apply.
The DLA itself is not means tested but will be counted as capital in regard to any income based benefit.
For the ESA(IR), the lower limit (£6000) is a total of all capital, not just what is in this account, for you and your partner (if applicable), above this there wil be a £1 deduction for every £250 up to a maximum of £16,000, after which eligibility ceases. For example, a total of £10,000 in savings will result in a £16/w deduction (10,000 - 6000 = 4000 / 250 = 16).
Your benefit payments (both DLA and ESA) will be disregarded for 4 weeks after payment.