- Posts: 143
- bro58
In my ESA85A in the prognosis where a date for reasment is found the following was there I advise that a return to work is unlikely in the longer term ??
Hi s,
Is there a question there, or are you simply making a statement.

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- simon
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- bro58
simon wrote:
In my ESA85A in the prognosis where a date for reasment is found the following was there I advise that a return to work is unlikely in the longer term ??
Hi s,
Is there a question there, or are you simply making a statement.
Sorry s,
I've just noticed the ??.
In the longer term is the longest prognosis that the ATOS HCP can give. See this extract from Page 125 of The WCA Handbook :
" Advice that a return to work is unlikely In the Longer Term
Where at assessment you find a substantial degree of functional impairment resulting from a serious medical problem which is chronic or will inevitably deteriorate further, even with optimal treatment, you should select "in the longer term". For example it may be appropriate to apply “in the longer term” to someone with a progressive neurological condition.
Or, in the case of a young adult with a very significant degree of learning disability, who scores where cognitive impairment in a number of functional areas mean that he requires a high level of support, you may feel that all management and support strategies have been exhausted and further adaptation is unlikely to occur. You would then reasonably advise a “in the longer term” prognosis"
You can read more on the prognosis from Page 123, 3.10 Medical Advice on Prognosis at Examination of The WCA Handbook which is the 7th link down this page :
ESA Guides
"In the longer term" generally equates to an expected re-assessment date of at least 12 months, probably more.
You may have to re-contact the DWP to find out exactly how long the DM has decided to give you before a re-assessment takes place.
There may be an LT54 also, or an ESA72 :
See :
ESA Forms
ESA medical – what forms to ask for?
ESA72 Form
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- bro58
bro58 wrote:
simon wrote:
In my ESA85A in the prognosis where a date for reasment is found the following was there I advise that a return to work is unlikely in the longer term ??
Hi s,
Is there a question there, or are you simply making a statement.
Sorry s,
I've just noticed the ??.
In the longer term is the longest prognosis that the ATOS HCP can give. See this extract from Page 125 of The WCA Handbook :
" Advice that a return to work is unlikely In the Longer Term
Where at assessment you find a substantial degree of functional impairment resulting from a serious medical problem which is chronic or will inevitably deteriorate further, even with optimal treatment, you should select "in the longer term". For example it may be appropriate to apply “in the longer term” to someone with a progressive neurological condition.
Or, in the case of a young adult with a very significant degree of learning disability, who scores where cognitive impairment in a number of functional areas mean that he requires a high level of support, you may feel that all management and support strategies have been exhausted and further adaptation is unlikely to occur. You would then reasonably advise a “in the longer term” prognosis"
You can read more on the prognosis from Page 123, 3.10 Medical Advice on Prognosis at Examination of The WCA Handbook which is the 7th link down this page :
ESA Guides
"In the longer term" generally equates to an expected re-assessment date of at least 12 months, probably more.
You may have to re-contact the DWP to find out exactly how long the DM has decided to give you before a re-assessment takes place.
There may be an LT54 also, or an ESA72 :
See :
ESA Forms
ESA medical – what forms to ask for?
ESA72 Form
Hi s,
Just to add.
As you will see the longest prognosis prior to "in the longer term" is 2 years, so one would surmise that "in the longer term" would give a period of 2 years or more. 3 years is the longest prognosis that we are aware of.
The DM will have decided how long should be given, from the ATOS HCP's "in the longer term" prognosis.
What group have you been placed in WRAG or SG ?
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- bro58
bro58 wrote:
bro58 wrote:
simon wrote:
In my ESA85A in the prognosis where a date for reasment is found the following was there I advise that a return to work is unlikely in the longer term ??
Hi s,
Is there a question there, or are you simply making a statement.
Sorry s,
I've just noticed the ??.
In the longer term is the longest prognosis that the ATOS HCP can give. See this extract from Page 125 of The WCA Handbook :
" Advice that a return to work is unlikely In the Longer Term
Where at assessment you find a substantial degree of functional impairment resulting from a serious medical problem which is chronic or will inevitably deteriorate further, even with optimal treatment, you should select "in the longer term". For example it may be appropriate to apply “in the longer term” to someone with a progressive neurological condition.
Or, in the case of a young adult with a very significant degree of learning disability, who scores where cognitive impairment in a number of functional areas mean that he requires a high level of support, you may feel that all management and support strategies have been exhausted and further adaptation is unlikely to occur. You would then reasonably advise a “in the longer term” prognosis"
You can read more on the prognosis from Page 123, 3.10 Medical Advice on Prognosis at Examination of The WCA Handbook which is the 7th link down this page :
ESA Guides
"In the longer term" generally equates to an expected re-assessment date of at least 12 months, probably more.
You may have to re-contact the DWP to find out exactly how long the DM has decided to give you before a re-assessment takes place.
There may be an LT54 also, or an ESA72 :
See :
ESA Forms
ESA medical – what forms to ask for?
ESA72 Form
Hi s,
Just to add.
As you will see the longest prognosis prior to "in the longer term" is 2 years, so one would surmise that "in the longer term" would give a period of 2 years or more. 3 years is the longest prognosis that we are aware of.
The DM will have decided how long should be given, from the ATOS HCP's "in the longer term" prognosis.
What group have you been placed in WRAG or SG ?
No need to answer that s,
I've just checked back into your posts and see that you were placed into the SG.

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