SoulMan wrote: I forgot to add some important information to my ESA50 that i have already sent off and i have a medical exam in a couple of weeks, is it ok to send in a letter with new information even though you have send in the esa50 already?
Hi SM,
Yes, you can forward copies of any extra evidence to ATOS, at the same address that you sent your ESA50 to.
You may also wish to send copies to the ESA Decision Maker at the address of the DWP office that is dealing with your ESA, as a backup.
Include a covering letter stating that you wish this evidence to be taken into account along with your ESA50.
If it turns out that you have to attend a face to face assessment, you could also take copies to give to the ATOS HCP before the assessment starts.
Remember to put your Name, NI Number and DOB on every seperate page. including the covering letter.
See :
Sending Documents to the DWP or ATOS bro58