Hi, I had a medical a few weeks ago. I suffer from M/E, derpession and anxiety. I had previously sent a letter (your template) to ask for my medical to be taped. The machine broke down several times whilst the medical was ongoing. I decided to trust the doctor and decided to let the medical carry on without being taped. I explained that I did not want to come back for another medical due to the emotional effects I would suffer.
I was asked the questions: Physical Grounds - How far I could walk without stopping in order to avoid significant discomfort- I explained to the doctor that for the MAJORITY of the time I can barly walk 3 feet without being totally exhaused and fatigued.
I was put in the WRAG for two years - The Doctor at the medical had wrote. " cannont mobilize more than 200 metres on level ground without stopping in order......... This is an absurd answer. I am so very upset by these [comments]. Can I get request another medical - WITH A WORKING TAPE? Please help? Regards, Gill
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by Gordon. Reason: phrase replaced
I'm afraid that the claimant does not have the right to demand another face-to-face assessment. You can complain about your assesment to DWP and ATOS (and even your MP) and this might result in you being asked to attend again, but thete is no guarantee of this.