DRP wrote: I have been claiming tax credits for 2yrs my wife was receiving incapacity benefit since 1986 wich was then called invalidity benefit so it dident count as income for tax credit purposes. She has recently had an atos medical and was awarded 6 points so was found fit for work. She is in the process of appealing she gets £71 a week til the appeal .do I need to let tax credits know or wait the outcome of the appeal thanks for any replies
We don't advise on Tax Credits, but I do know that Contribution Based ESA is taken into account for TC's and that your wife, since she was receiving IB, will have been transferred to ESA(CB).
I can't advise as to whether you need to contact HMRC in regard to her payments, which will obviously have reduced, as I do not know how they will deal, or not, with any back payments she might receive should she win her appeal.
You really need to get face to face advice from your local CAB or Welfare Rights office.