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Limited capability questionaire
- furball
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I was placed on the WRAG last year having limited capability for work due to having suffered depression since being in my teens. I am 52yrs old now.
I apparently are getting contribution based payments until March 2013. I then don't qualify for anything, but they have sent me a new Limited capability for work questionaire to fill in. Do I have to still attend these medicals even though they dont pay me?
I have recently been asked by DWP to ask for a pension reviewI have 34yrs of pension credits.
My depression has got much worse since last year, I'm in such turmoil, I don't know what to do.
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- Karlo
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- Gordon
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The ESA50 that you have just received needs to be completed, in detail, otherwise you risk your claim being closed and the remaining payments you have until March 2013 being stoppped.Please could somebody help me?
I was placed on the WRAG last year having limited capability for work due to having suffered depression since being in my teens. I am 52yrs old now.
I apparently are getting contribution based payments until March 2013. I then don't qualify for anything, but they have sent me a new Limited capability for work questionaire to fill in. Do I have to still attend these medicals even though they dont pay me?
I have recently been asked by DWP to ask for a pension reviewI have 34yrs of pension credits.
My depression has got much worse since last year, I'm in such turmoil, I don't know what to do.
Have you checked whether you are eligible for Income Related ESA, this will allow payments to continue?
Should your payments cease, then you will remain eligible for NI Credits, which count towards a full State Pension. If at any time after March your condition deteriorates such that you are placed in the Support Group, then your payments will be re-instated.
Obviously, if your latest assessment result in you being placed in the SG, your payments will continue without interuption.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
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- bro58
Please could somebody help me?
I was placed on the WRAG last year having limited capability for work due to having suffered depression since being in my teens. I am 52yrs old now.
I apparently are getting contribution based payments until March 2013. I then don't qualify for anything, but they have sent me a new Limited capability for work questionaire to fill in. Do I have to still attend these medicals even though they dont pay me?
I have recently been asked by DWP to ask for a pension reviewI have 34yrs of pension credits.
My depression has got much worse since last year, I'm in such turmoil, I don't know what to do.
Hi fb,
Karlo is correct, in that you are still compelled to take part in ESA WC Assessments, which could include filling in further ESA50's and maybe having to attend face to face assessments, even if you are only in receipt of NI Credits.
However, in that scenario, (NI Credits only) you can not be compelled to attend WFI's or WRA.
In your case, it would seem that you are still in receipt of payment for being in The WRAG, and will remain in receipt of such payment until March 2013. Therefore if you fail to fill in and return the ESA50, or to attend a face to face assessment if they decide that one is needed, your payment of WRAG could cease before March 2013.
Further, if you are assessed as qualfying for The WRAG, but in receipt of NI Credits only, if your condition deteriorates in that you may qualify for The SG, you could request a supersession (review), if as a result of this you were then placed in The SG, your payments would be reinstated for as long as you remained in The SG.
This time you may wish to consider : Using The PDF Version Of The ESA50 Questionnaire
Whilst referring to the corresponding sections of our : ESA Claims Guides , 3rd and 4th links down.
See also :
How long do I have to complete the ESA50?
ESA50 too big for the envelope
Sending Documents to the DWP or ATOS
Qualifying for the Support Group
12 Month Limit for ESA(CB)
If you can gain entry to The SG, you will remain in receipt of The ESA in The SG for as long as you remain entitled to it, as there is no 365 day limit for The SG, whether it be CB ESA or IR ESA.
Mod Edit : Put my name in the edit box of the wrong post G.

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- furball
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- furball
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