Husband and Wife claim. Husband claims ESA and DLA, partner claims IB (NI stamp only) and DLA. The partner as now received their IB to ESA migration notification.
The question is : i) Is it worth the partner migrating from IB to ESA when all the receive is their NI stamp ( bearing in mind they are now a carer for their husband, so their stamp is already paid ). ii) If they chose not to complete the ESA form, will it effect their current DLA award or present any other complications. ii) Without a successful ESA claim, would the partner be liable to work focused schemes.
Are their any other dis-advantages or advantage to completing or ignoring the ESA migration in the above situation ?
Many thanks
p.s i did ask a similar question a while back,but the search function is unable to locate it.
We can't offer specific advice, such as you require without knowing a lot more about your personal circumstances. which is not appropriate content for the forum, so I am going to receommend that you get face to face advice from your local CAB or Welafre Rights office.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems