Is there a list of Advocates on the site? I could not find it. I am looking for an Advocate to help with filling forms, such as ESA. I have not received it, but need to start asap, it will take me a long time. Also need an advocate to be present during care package assessment. There is no advocacy support agencies,(other than CAB, they are not helpful), in my London Borough. They are not divulging the criteria for care.
Is there a list of Advocates on the site? I could not find it. I am looking for an Advocate to help with filling forms, such as ESA. I have not received it, but need to start asap, it will take me a long time. Also need an advocate to be present during care package assessment. There is no advocacy support agencies,(other than CAB, they are not helpful), in my London Borough. They are not divulging the criteria for care.
Thank you.
There is a list of potential sources here : Where to get advice? , or you could put Welfare Rights/Advice into your internet search engine with your Town or Postcode.