I would just like to say a big thank you for the really useful guides provided by this site. I joined over a year ago as I was being reassessed for DLA. I used the guides and completed the form and was awarded DLA without any need for a medical! Then I got a form for ESA which I completed and sent back. I was then asked to attend a medical which was so stressful as there was a terrible delay. I was awarded ESA work focussed group. I appealed and waited and waited. Finally I have I received a letter advising me that some money was to be paid into my account. As I didn't know what it was for I rang up and was advised that this was money due to me that had been backdated to my successful appeal to be placed in a support group! The lady told me that I had been placed in a support group for 2 years!! Really good news and I can't thank you enough for all the advice found on this site. I did ask for a letter confirming this and I am still waiting! Will I eventually get a letter? many thanks