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- Self-employed under JSA have to migrate to ESA
Self-employed under JSA have to migrate to ESA
- Moon
- Topic Author
I am new in this forum. I am presently self employed since 2008 and presently under JSA and is going to migrate to ESA (I have to send the ESA form i have downloaded this week).
However, i have presently some issues in filling the ESA form (I have made an ESA claim few weeks ago but had cancel it due to some misunderstanding but I have received a letter from the ESA department requesting some documents to provide while I could not since I have lost them (original of abroad travel ticket, etc)).
I need help to fill the questions below for my new claim (sorry for the the lenght).
Business Name:
Business Telephone Number:
Business Fax Number:
Business Email Address:
Type of Trade or Business:
Date became Self-Employed: 2008
Employment Trading Stopped?
Date Trading Stopped:
Reason Trading Stopped:
Expected Return to Work Date:
Business Start Date:
Business End Date:
Number of Days Worked in a Week:
Average Number of Hours Worked in a Week: ??? I have worked just three months in a year (35 hours/week so should I put 35*4*3/52 = 8 hours/week?)
Number of Hours Currently Worked in a Week?0
Prospects of Future Work?No
Future Work Start Date:
Resume Work in Better Economic Conditions? No
Resume Work Start Date:
Regarded as Self Employed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs? Yes
Regarded as Self Employed for VAT Purposes:
Undertaking Activities in - Connection with Self Employment? None
Seeking Work?No
Reason For Not Seeking Work? Due to illness
Share Fisherman? No
Boat Ownership? No
Percentage Share of Catch:
Runs a Farm Croft? No
Applied for Agricultural Subsidies:
Anyone Running the Business in Your Absence?
Business Regarded as a Going Concern by Yourself, Your Bankers, Accountants and Creditors?
Any Money Received Into Business Since You Last Worked?
Amount Received:
Date Received:
Business Expenses Paid Out to Earn the Amount Received:
Is Business in Decline or Temporarily Stopped:
Decline in the Normal Pattern of Work?
Reason for Decline or Stoppage:
Normal Duration of Break Between Work:
Own Business Assets? No
Debts Secured Against Business? No
Is Business Owed Money? No
Business Account With Bank? No (I have just closed the business account this month)
Account Balance: 0
Amount of Profit in Last 12 months:
Profit and Loss Account for a 12 month Period Ending in the Last Year? No
Trading Account for a 12 month Period Ending in the Last Year?
Balance Sheets for the Last Year? Yes
In Receipt of Business Start Up Allowance? No
Amount of Business Start Up Allowance:
Frequency of Business Start Up Allowance Payments:
Are There Any Business Partners? No
Business in Liquidation? No
Accountant? Yes (until end of the financial year 2011 - 2012 : presently none yet)
Education and Training
Attending or have attended a full time course of education, training or apprenticeship in the last 4 years? No
Lived or worked abroad in the last 5 years (excluding holidays)? Yes (but through my UK limited company : they are asking a lot of documents such as bus tickets but I have lost them (main documents stolen))
Start Date:
End Date:
Foreign Benefit Type:
Last Paid Date:
Foreign Benefit Department:
Foreign Benefit Department Address:
Country of Birth:
Did Current Stay in UK Begin in the Last 2 Years? No
Date last Came to UK: 2006
Reason for Coming to UK:
Home Office Limits on Length of Stay? No
Lived in UK Before Current Stay? Yes
How Long For: ???
Date Last Left UK:
Reason for Leaving UK
Under Sponsorship Arrangement? No
Deported or Compulsorily Removed From Another Country Since 2nd May 2000? No
Name of the Country:
Date of Removal:
Asylum Seeker? No
Successful Asylum Application?
Home Office Support?
Any Work Restrictions? No
Thanks in advance for your help,
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- Gordon
- Offline
I'm guessing as I haven't seen these questions before, that they are in relation to your eligibility for ESA.
As you are self-employed they need details of your business, in the same way as they will need details of your personal bank accounts etc., in order to decide whether you actually qualify for what I again assume, is Income Related ESA.
You need to provide the information requested, or where you can't, explain your reasons for not doing so.
With regard your questions,, I would fill it in as you have in your post, but also explain why.
I hope this explains it.
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- Moon
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Gordon wrote: Moon
I'm guessing as I haven't seen these questions before, that they are in relation to your eligibility for ESA.
As you are self-employed they need details of your business, in the same way as they will need details of your personal bank accounts etc., in order to decide whether you actually qualify for what I again assume, is Income Related ESA.
I am presently under JSA and to be eligible for the JSA I had to provide these informations. Since I am under JSA, shouldn't it be easier?
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- Gordon
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- Posts: 51287
Obviously not a good day for assumptions.Moon wrote: I am presently under JSA and to be eligible for the JSA I had to provide these informations. Since I am under JSA, shouldn't it be easier?

If you are claiming JSA, why do you think you are being migrated to ESA, there is no migration path from one to the other?
JSA is for those seeking work, whereas ESA is for those unable to work due to illness or disability!
We don't asdvise on JSA, but if you are claiming Income Related JSA, then this information would be required to decide eligibility.
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- Moon
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Moon wrote:
Gordon wrote: Moon
I'm guessing as I haven't seen these questions before, that they are in relation to your eligibility for ESA.
As you are self-employed they need details of your business, in the same way as they will need details of your personal bank accounts etc., in order to decide whether you actually qualify for what I again assume, is Income Related ESA.
I am presently under JSA and to be eligible for the JSA I had to provide these informations. Since I am under JSA, shouldn't it be easier?
My chronic disease has worsened since two weeks (chronic severe headache) and I have been given one month sicknote by my GP. I have this disease for more than 5 years but it is worsening.
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- Moon
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