nesser57 wrote: hi, had my wca today was in for 8 minutes doc just talked about my condition never tested me for anything,she did say i looked in a lot of pain but that was all, told me the assessment was over is this good news or bad, a little bit confused
Hi n57,
That does seem to be a short assessment.
Sometimes they will curtail the assessment if they feel that they have seen and heard enough to make a recommendation on an award of ESA, I obviously don't know if that is the case here.
As the face to face is not a "Medical" they do not examine the claimant as a matter of course, it is more a Q and A session, where the ATOS HCP will ask you questions generated by the LiMA software that they use, and then enter your answers into the computer.
You could give it a couple of days then contact the DWP to see whether the DM has come to a decision as a result of the face to face.
This may give you a better idea of the normal procedures for a face to face :
ESA Medical – What to expect bro58