MY friend has suffered from Fabromyalgia for years and was in receipt of incapacity benefit without any real problems.
She is preparing foer her ESA transfer and is a bit worried if she is called in for a medical and has to describe her "day"as she does not sit around and watch TV all day
Nevertheless, due to "brain fog", she had been advised to do puzzles, such as word search to keep her brain "active" and because of weaknesses in her hands to do physio with a "soft" ball, etc, which at this stage i must add is very difficult for her due to problems associated with Fabro and completely wears her out.
However, her worry is that if she relays this to the ATOS assessor, they might think she sits at home and is "enjoying herself playing games", which obviously is not the case.
Has any other members had difficulties of this nature at their medicals or can they offer any advise which she can take into account when explaining herself!!!!