Am very distressed to be placed in WRAG group after conversion from I.B. 18 months, although that only means 12 months. Have mental health difficulties and have been receiving I.B. for 11 years. Dreading work related activities and interviews. Will be appealing. Does anybody have any advice please?
Yes, I did use your guides and have depended on them for years. Dread to think what the result would be without them.
The first thing to realise is that this is not totally bad news - ATOS/DWP have acknowledged that you are not well enough to work, so that is one step forward.
We have lots of help for people who wish to appeal. Firstly you should request the appropriate paperwork from DWP and read through out FAQs and guides
When you have read through these, please come back to this tread if you have any futher questions - you might like to mark this as a favourite to make it easier to find again.
Good luck!
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems