Could someone point me in the right direction please? I have a friend on ESA who was placed in the WRAG group nearly 12 months ago. He is appealing the decision and thinks he needs to be in the support group, and his appeal is going to be heard at the end of february.
He has just received a letter saying his ESA will stop as his time in the WRAG group is nearly up. Should he be doing something? I cant see how he can claim JSA as hes not fit enough... I would appreciate a prod in the right direction on here for information, I've had a look but haven't been successful.
If your friend thinks that he might qualify for income-related ESA, he should request and fill-in a form ESA3 so that his (and his partner's if there is one living with him) income and savings can be assessed.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by slugsta. Reason: edited typo (sticky keyboard!)